steve mullins

About Me

Hello, my name is Steve.I am a project manager specializing in technical fields such as Space Science, Software, Chemistry and Environmental Science that is looking for a position in a company as a Software Developer.


  • BA University of Colorado
  • WebDev Bootcamp (2019)
  • Odin Project WebDev 101(current)
  • Harvard CS50 course audit(2016)


  • Project Manager
  • Javascript
  • Git
  • nodeJS/express


A selection of what I am most proud of.


Everyone's first steps into Web Development. I have maintained the HTML/CSS of a simple website for 5+ years. I have built a variety of meeting sites for teams using various tech from adobe(GoLive and Dreamweaver in the beginning) to pure HTML/CSS. Here are a few sites I am most proud of:


My first 'real' language. I have spent the majority of my self teaching trying to learn the ins and outs of Javascript.

Other Projects

I have always had some kind of side project going on in my life. Whether it's teaching myself to program, rock climbing, converting a van or building bikes, I am constantly trying to learn something new and apply those new skills to something real. I am very hands on and love working out problems no matter the scale or application.

Get in touch

Have any questions? Feel free to contact me!

  • Email
  • Phone

    (303) 875-3725
  • Location

    Boulder, CO
  • Elsewhere